Breast Reduction

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the breasts, by removing fat, breast tissue and skin, making them smaller, lighter and firmer. It can also reduce the size of the areola.


1Planning the surgery

During the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the size and shape of the breasts, the firmness of the skin and its general state of health. A breast examination will also be performed and a mammographic study will be requested. The different surgical techniques will be explained, the size and shape of your breasts and the options or combination of procedures that are best for you will be discussed.

2Surgery and anesthesia

Breast reduction surgery is performed in an operating room, inside a clinic or hospital. Admission is usually necessary, being discharged the next day in the case of breast augmentation and mastopexy, and 2 or 3 days in the case of reduction.

A breast reduction lasts between 2 and 4 hours, although in certain cases it can be lengthened. There are various techniques, but generally the incisions are shaped like an anchor around the areola, in a vertical line down from the areola and in a horizontal line in the groove under the breast.

3After surgery

After breast surgery it is normal to find something tired a few days, but you can live almost normal life at 24-48 hours. Most discomforts are well controlled with the medication prescribed by your plastic surgeon. The bandage or dressings will be removed in a few days, being replaced by a special bra, which you should wear as directed by your surgeon. It is normal to have a burning sensation in the nipples during the first two weeks.

After reduction it may be normal to have a decrease in nipple sensation; This situation is generally temporary, except for some reductions that may be definitive. Sutures are removed between 7 and 14 days

4 Are there any risks?

Breast reduction leave permanent and visible scars, although concealable under the bra or bikini. Scarring problems are more common in smokers. Some patients may experience a partial, and sometimes total, decrease in nipple sensitivity. After a reduction, the ability to breastfeed may be affected.

5 The results

It is important to remember that after a reduction the scars are important and permanent, although your plastic surgeon will do everything possible so that they are noticed as little as possible.

Over time, the scars will go After a breast reduction it will take a few months until their breasts acquire the final appearance; Even so, the breasts will change before normal hormonal stimuli, pregnancy or weight changes. You may need some time to get used to your new body image.